the path of the heart.

the path of the heart.

The Path of the Heart: A Mentorship Program

The Path of the Heart is the path of love, where you experience life and see all that exists through the lens of unconditional love.

To embody the Path of the Heart is to embody your true essence, allowing you to create and make decisions solely from the heart, as the ego steps aside, giving space for your heart to expand to its fullest potential. It is the embodiment of your Divine Self.

This is a 3 or 6 month mentorship to support, guide and hold space for deep transformation.

What happens inside the mentorship container?

  • It is possible to channel without engaging in deep inner work, as we are all intuitives at our core. However, accessing pure love and wisdom—and fully embodying the Divine Self—requires the healing, decoding, and re-coding of layers that obscure the ability to see and feel oneself as we truly are.

    The intention of the mentorship is to help alchemize shadows into light across all levels of being—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. As well as discover, connect and expand the innate amazing gifts within you that are so much needed at this time.

  • In the first session, a safe container filled with Love and Light Beings is co-created to support the work. During this time, Macarena listens attentively to everything the client wishes to share. She asks orienting questions to determine where they are on their current spiritual path. From there, she collaboratively designs the journey, with the intention of uncovering the client's true self.

    Each journey is tailored according to the client’s proximity to embodying deep soul fulfillment, encompassing trust, surrender, a profound understanding of their unique path, an awareness of key life events—including past lives on Earth and as a cosmic soul—and cultivating lasting joy, inner harmony, peace, and a sense of abundant wholeness.

    The process may include channeled wisdom to gain insight into significant life events and past lives, multidimensional healing to reveal their true essence and gifts, further guidance on embodying their soul path, and co-creation from a place of authenticity.

    This mentorship is completely tailored to each individual, beginning with a 90-minute introductory session to listen and connect deeply. In a safe, supportive space, Macarena will connect with the client's Guides and serve as a vessel for the wisdom meant to be shared in this moment. With these beautiful energies present, she will create a unique mentoring path specifically for the client and share it with them. From there, the client can tune into how this feels—trusting their heart to reveal whether they are meant to co-create together.

My story:

I was there and with all my love, I promise you that there is a way out even if you don’t see the how just yet. You don't need to suffer any more, whether you’re feeling trapped in a job or relationship or dynamic that doesn't light up your life and makes you feel unsatisfied, exhausted and stressed. 

You don’t have to endure suffering as I did, after doing everything you could imagine and still not finding a way to do work that feels aligned with your unique mission and brings the abundance your heart desires easily and honestly. You don’t have to keep struggling with pain in your heart, your life, or your body, feeling like nothing seems to help. You don’t have to live in fear that keeps you from creating the life of your dreams.

I resonate deeply with this famous quote that I adapted: “Feel the fear and heal it so that you don’t have to feel it again.” You also don’t have to continue feeling lost after the heartbreak of a miscarriage when medical and psychological answers make sense to the mind but don’t bring true comfort or soul-level understanding to your heart.

Please know that there is nothing wrong with you. In fact, it’s quite the opposite—you are a sensitive soul, seeking your truth and a life filled with genuine love, happiness, and purpose. You deserve to do work that lights you up, to be surrounded by soul-aligned friends, and to connect with your inner gifts and guidance. You have within you the power to access the answers needed to succeed in this lifetime.

When we heal ourselves, we contribute to the healing of others, of Earth, and the entire Cosmos. That’s why I’m committed to this lifelong journey of healing, not only for me, but for you as well.

Now, here I am, guided at every step, emptied of all I once thought I was, and healed from pain I wasn’t even aware of. I am a clearer and stronger vessel for the beautiful energies of unconditional love and healing codes to flow through, ready to share them with those I am meant to serve.

When you feel ready, I am ready too—to guide and support you. You are a powerful being, full of gifts, magic, and talents, far more than you may even realize. You deserve to heal and remember your true essence. The world needs you exactly as you are, in all your authenticity!

Choose from a:

  • The three month container includes six sessions over a three month period.

  • The six month container includes twelve sessions over a six month period.

  • If you feel a duration of time not listed above would work best for you, let’s chat!