Divine Love energy sessions

It is the most beautiful, highest frequency and humbly intelligent energy that exists.

It is like touching heaven with the hands.. if ever this love can be put into words..

  • Opens up and fills up every cell of our body with unconditional love allowing us to connect and speed the manifestation of our heart desires

  • Glows up our entire being from the inside out, starting the process of cellular rejuvenation

  • Opens up our own intuition and gifts to transform our reality effortlessly in co-creation with our higher self

  • Dissolves blocks and limiting beliefs preventing us from reaching our full potential

  • Shows us how unlimited unconditional love feels like, opening our hearts to soul connections and true love

  • Guides us towards what we came here to do, as well as our true passion and fulfillment

  • Heals the wounds of trauma that we thought may never be possible to heal

And this happens all in a gentle, loving manner, illuminating the path of truth and reminding us during the process that we are love. It reminds us that the spark within us, when accessed, can illuminate worlds and create realities. It expands and helps us to see and treat ourselves and all creations with the same love that is being shared with us. It connect us and help us feel our true nature within us (and all) and what is more magnificent than that!

It is all a process, and like a rose needs time, love and nourishment to open up all the petals that were once closed, harmoniously and fearlessly, so does our heart. 

But when we have alchemized all that is not allowing our heart to shine brightly, this divine love energy captivates our entire being and allow us to fully and truly experience what Heaven on Earth feels like and is.

What is energy healing?

Everything is energy, which means that the root of our fears, pain, doubts, emotions, and beliefs are also energy. That is why in order to truly feel liberated and empowered, we need to address everything energetically. When we approach empowerment from this perspective, we can address not just the symptoms but the core imbalances in our energy field and re-code it with higher vibrational frequencies.

Macarena works with the energy of Christ Consciousness, Divine Love (the highest vibrational energy that exists) and the Angelic Realms to support the harmonization of the light body and start the process towards the restoration of the perfect template (our true nature).

In these sessions, we open up a sacred container of divine intelligence, wholeness frequencies and divine love to support the harmonization of the energy body. Through this tailored process and with the beautiful high vibrational energies present in the container, we alchemize pain, fear, trauma, stuck emotions and other stagnant energies keeping us from reaching our full potential and being able to hold the frequency of joy.

Reiki vs Divine Love Energy Healing:

You might have heard of Reiki or even experienced a Reiki session, so how does this differ?

  • Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that involves channeling universal life force energy through a practitioner’s hands to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

  • In these sessions, Macarena is working with life force energy, as well as many other powerful healing frequencies including Angelic Light and Christ Light (divine love energy and the highest vibrational energy that exists). She also works with many other Ascended Masters and Guides including Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Yeshua, Isis, Hathor and more. She is opening a safe and sacred container for healing to take place on all levels of the multidimensional self, healing traumas, pain, programming, unconscious beliefs… not only from this lifetime but from all lifetimes, incarnations and realms. And this is necessary in order to feel true freedom and lasting happiness in the here and now.

    It is so much more than a transmission of life force energy!

benefits of energy work:

Work with me:

1:1 sessions

This session fosters an intimate connection between us, ensuring you receive individualized attention tailored to your specific needs.

Group sessions:

Occasionally, Macarena offers group healing sessions to address similar needs. Rather than 1:1, she is working with the energy of the group. Community is so important and coming together to do this work is healing within itself!


Work with Macarena on a longer term basis to give the time and space to go deeper. Together, we can cultivate a supportive environment where you can fully engage with your inner transformation process and fully unlock your gifts.

Energy work is not just a practice; it's a profound awakening to the sacred flow of life that moves through us all.


  • Before meeting on zoom, Macarena recommends preparing a quiet space for session. You are more than welcome to drop in, meditate, focus on breath and come back into your body a few minutes before session. Have headphones ready if you are choosing to use those and come with an open mind and heart!

    It is advised not to drink alcohol or consume any substances 24 hours prior to session. It is also recommended not to come with a full belly.

  • In this session, we will meet over Zoom at the scheduled time. Find a quiet and cozy spot to settle, relax and open yourself to receive. The session will begin with a brief conversation about what you are currently experiencing and feeling. Afterward, you will be guided to lie down, and the energy work will commence.

    During session, you might feel:

    • Sensations and energy moving throughout your body

    • A deep feeling of love

    • Relaxation and peace

    • Old emotions surfacing

    • Discomfort

    • Messages, visions and guidance from your spirit team

  • Let’s talk about it! Send me an email.

Book your session!

Follow the journey.